Sunday, 10 October 2010

Welcome to illuminated!

Hi there!

Since this is our first post, we're assuming this is your first visit. And we're guessing the first question in your mind is: what on earth are we? A secondary school student's science project on the wave-like (yet strangely quantum) properties of light? An online shopping portal for the purchase of lighting fixtures? Some secret religious cult from a Dan Brown novel? (The answer is (d) - none of the above.)

Illuminated is a Christian lifestyle blog - we've got reviews of the latest Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) and Praise and Worship (P&W) albums, artist news and interviews, inspiring articles and recommended readings to help you get closer to God, and we're dedicated to convering the biggest Christian events in town (that's Singapore, by the way. And if someone pays our airfare, we'll gladly cover overseas events too).

Our mission is simple. We want illuminated to be your one-stop site for your lifestyle needs. There's plenty of websites out there dedicated to the music and the culture of the world. We think illuminated can shine a little light into this corner of the World Wide Web, and with your help we hope we can spread that light even farther.

That's why we value your feedback and your opinions! We're just starting out, so we want to hear what you think about our site. Love it, hate it, got suggestions for more features? Drop us a mail at, or leave a comment!

In the meantime, have a look around! We're still a work-in-progress so some content might be missing and the layout might be a little rough around the edges. We're working on it and we're committed to bringing you a great online experience.

Here's our promise: we'll update the site with new content every 2 days, if not every day! So make it a point to check back every day for more illuminated!

Happy surfing!
(on behalf of the illuminated team. Which, for now, is just him.)

P.S. Don't forget to friend us on Facebook for latest updates! All you have to do is click 'like' on our Facebook page to become a fan!

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